Thursday, October 27, 2005

Valley Theatre to lurk in the woods

The Valley Theatre is lending its inimitable style to the Halloween Ghost Walk in Dalby Forest on Monday 31st October (of course). If you want to go and haven't already booked then I'm afraid you're out of luck as its already sold out, but if I remember my camera (for once) I'll post some pictures...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Review of our latest program

Mike Park gives a very favorable review of our latest program here

Rehearsals start for Panto

The Valley Theatre has started rehearsals for this year's Christmas Panto. It's called Robyn Hood and it is sure to include lots of awful jokes, a silly accent from Steve and thigh-length patent leather boots! I'll keep you updated on how we are progressing

Monday, October 03, 2005

Valley Theatre on the Road

The Valley Theatre went on the road on Saturday to perform at the Ilkley Literature Festival. They performed two pieces: The award-winning Chasing the Hard-Backed Beetle and Holiday. Ilkley playhouse was a step up from what we're used to but very enjoyable for all that. Proper dressing rooms and CCTV so that the scene shifters (and driver) can see what's going on on-stage. What luxury!