Monday, February 13, 2006

New Cast Member's page

Karen Tite has passed her most intimate details to me which I have faithfully transcribed onto the web site for everyone to see...

New programme announced

The new programme (or program for our American readers) has been announced. It can be seen here

Friday, February 10, 2006

Panto Update

The last performance of the Panto was a roaring success. It was a sell-out 15mins before the performance! The audience were up for a good time which always makes the actors raise their game and there were a lot of big laughs throughout the evening - sometimes even for the funny bits!
Unfortunately your editor welshed on his promise and forgot his camera - much to the relief of some members of the cast who seem to take exception to the editorial style.
The next performance is on 23rd February and includes one new play - Dancing on a Table in Montmartre and a revival of an old faithful - The survivor. See you there...