Tuesday, December 27, 2005

More halloweeniness..

After the exertions of a hard evening's scaring, the good folk of Dalby treated us to a bit of a do...

Thanks guys

Seasonal Photos...

Don't go down to the woods tonight, it's bad for your 'elf

Resting after a hard day's witching

If you can't get a hat, get a head

Death stalks Dalby Forest

The bride of dracula tries to escape her inevitable fate (The clue's in her name...)

Get me to the crypt on time...

Just a bite to put me on...

Pantomime a triumph!

The pre-christmas show of Robyn Hood was a triumph, with an audience of over 50 people - the largest ever for the Valley Theatre. The audience got into the swing of things with boos and cheers galore - except for the Mexican wave (Thanks Fred).
Thrills in the evening were provided by various members of the cast forgetting their lines, or jumping about seemingly at random and then seeing whether the rest of the cast could bail them out.

See you in the new year (I hope).

Monday, December 19, 2005

Live at last

Unfortunately we had to cancel the first performance of the Valley Theatre Pantomime: Robyn Hood, due to a family bereavement. We finally got under way with our panto season last Thursday, though. A good sized audience saw everything finally (thankfully) come together as the cast moved things along at a cracking pace. In fact the pace was so fast at some points that whole sections were skipped, causing a wailing and a gnashing of teeth from the author! They must have been in a hurry to get to the pub! Anyway next week's performance is just about sold out so your best bet if you haven't booked already is to go for one of the two January performances.

Elsewhere (time never stands still at the Valley) the cast started rehearsals for a new play from the pen (or should that be keyboard?) of Graham Rhodes - Dancing on a Table in Montmartre - modestly described by the author as the best thing he's ever done. You be the judge...

Friday, December 02, 2005

Fame in perpetuity!

The Shakespeare Institute Library has asked for - and received - a copy of "A Midsummer Day's Nightmare" so now Graham's immortal words shall be stored alongside the bard's!

Here's an extract from the acknowledgement e-mail:

Subject: Shakespeare Institute library / Midsummer's Day Nightmare

Dear Graham,

Thank you very much indeed for sending a copy of Midsummer Day's Nightmare to us at the Shakespeare Institute. We very much appreciate it, and it is exactly the type of script we are trying to collect.


Thanks again

in haste, Clare Smout